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2024/10/30ReportSelected as an operating entity for the Tokyo Circular Economy and Natural Capital Promotion Fund ~ SUMITOMO MITSUI TRUST INVESTMENT CO., LTD. andShinsei Corporate Investment ad_groupjointly manage the fund ~
2024/10/09ReportRegarding Split and Integration of the Gatekeeper Functions for the Private Asset Investments
2024/07/24InvestedInvestment in Beyond Next Ventures No. 3 Investment Limited Partnership, managed byBeyond Next Ventures Co., Ltd.ad_group
2024/03/08InvestedInvestment in THESEED No. 3 Investment Limited Partnership, managed byThe Seed Capital Co., Ltd.ad_group
2023/12/29ReportCompletion of fundraising and operation report for the Japan Vintage Fund 2022 Investment Limited Partnership
2023/05/15ReportAozora Corporate Investment Co., Ltd.ad_groupjoint management of Japan Next Generation Investment Limited Partnership
Features Our Features
SUMITOMO MITSUI TRUST INVESTMENT CO., LTD. provides opportunities for direct investment in Japanese unlisted companies and fund investments for institutional investors.
Our Funds Our Funds
We mainly handle fund investment-related GP and admin operations, providing seamless services such as deal sourcing, due diligence, fundraising, investment, monitoring, and reporting in collaboration with Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank.
Invested Companies Invested Companies
We strategically invest in various sectors, including promising startups, to provide a balanced portfolio and ensure stable returns and sustainable value creation for our investors.
IPO Results IPO Results
We have contributed to the development of industries and the creation of corporate value through IPOs and M&As of our invested companies. These companies have opened new market opportunities and enhanced their capital power. We will continue to actively pursue investment opportunities aimed at the sustainable growth and competitiveness of startups, ventures, and SMEs.